War 4 was uploaded to World Star over 10 years ago and had 170,000 veiws. For the longest time it wouldn’t play about a month ago I came across it again and it was playing again. So I took the file put it at the right aspect ratio edited it for YouTube and you can now watch War 4 on YouTube. Crazy that the dude who made War 4 don’t even have a copy of it, be on the lookout for special edition copy with new covers being pressed up soon.

Here is both uploads of every writers favorite graffiti movie. It’s either your favorite cause you love the hardcore, raw, dope smoking, paint racking, toy punking, booty slapping, helluva goodtime or it’s your favorite to hate cause you are a bandwagon jumping, cop calling, artfag appraising, wound licking, drunk hypocrite.

Who still needs a copy of War 4 and will buy a special edition cover designed by someone featured in War 4?


Who do you think should design the cover?